
In the past ten years I have been up (240) and down (135) the scale time and again. This time I am on the 'up' side of the scale. I want to loose the weight. I figure the humiliation of putting this on the internet and the friends that I have told of this to hold me accountable just might make this happen. It is going to take a lot of encouragement and support. Not to mention the hard work on my part. Follow my struggle here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Product review, and news.


If you are a woman in need of serious support I reccomend Enelle or Moving Comfort Fiona or Maia .

My quest for a supportive sports bra came to an unexpect halt last night.

While at walmart I discovered a little thing called the 'high impact sports bra' by Danskin. Wonder of wonders it was $9.88 + tax. Last night was the first time I wore it to Zumba. By god it worked! I came home from class in ZERO pain. You see I have been wearing 2 bras to zumba since the second week of taking the class. The first week I was in so much pain I was actually sleeping with ice packs in my bra. So for those of you reading if you are like me and this is a valid concern for you I highly reccomend picking up this bra. And this is not a paid or compensated advertisement. It just works.

Secondly I am pleased to report I am down 4lbs since starting Zumba. My energy is up and I am not watching the clock during class... at least till half way thru unlike when I started and 5 minutes in I was begging time to move faster. I feel like my arms and abs are getting more toned. My neice even told me I was shrinking! In short that is my news, hope you are all having a good day!

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