
In the past ten years I have been up (240) and down (135) the scale time and again. This time I am on the 'up' side of the scale. I want to loose the weight. I figure the humiliation of putting this on the internet and the friends that I have told of this to hold me accountable just might make this happen. It is going to take a lot of encouragement and support. Not to mention the hard work on my part. Follow my struggle here.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Last night for the first ever time I had no pain in my side while I was running. For as long as I can remember when I run I would get a stabbing pain in my side. Typically after walking for a minute or two it would subside, but not yesterday. Yesterday I RAN.

I ran pain free!

We are still on a 3 minute walk 1 minute run pace but I did it 2.58 miles and I did it. Not once did I have to stop running to walk at the wrong time and towards the end of the walk we typically walk for 5 minutes, but last Night Coach Kathy said we could do what ever we wanted at the end. I wanted to Run.

I was the first back in my group and still wanted to go more. I wouldn’t say it was the fabled "runners high". But it was a huge barrier breakthrough!

I only hope I can repeat this performance again Thursday Night!

I ran to "a night at the opera" last night it made for a pleasant pace.

Oh and my 29th birthday is coming up. How about a shameless birthday gift plug. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!

Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS Receiver With Heart Rate Monitor

1 comment:

Lisa D. said...

awesome! i'm glad you're having fun running!! i FINALLY went running today. i made it my March resolution to run at least 10 times this month. :)

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