
In the past ten years I have been up (240) and down (135) the scale time and again. This time I am on the 'up' side of the scale. I want to loose the weight. I figure the humiliation of putting this on the internet and the friends that I have told of this to hold me accountable just might make this happen. It is going to take a lot of encouragement and support. Not to mention the hard work on my part. Follow my struggle here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

admittedly distracted

Things around the sarcastic cynical optimist are admittedly a little less than fitness goal oriented at the moment. November 14 we welcomed a new baby into the family. As is the case with any new parent life has now turned on its head. Housebreaking, Christmas, and making 50(!) Christmas presents has become the ONLY mission in my life.

I promise once things settle down at the end of the holidays I will be back in full force. I plan to join the Couch to 5K program at fleet feet that starts off Feb 8. I am hoping with running and Zumba at last I will begin to be able to resume life as normal!

1 comment:

The Stones said...

It's so hard to stay motivated during the holidays! I finally did a yoga for athletes class night and it kicked my butt!
Here's to getting back in shape for the new year!

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